Hard Disk Degaussing Machine

What Is Hard Drive Degaussing?

Degaussing is a highly involved and precise process that is used to removed data from a device such as a hard drive, cassette tapes, diskettes, film reels, and other electronic storage devices. It uses a super high-powered electro-magnet to clear the data off the device. When it is exposed to the magnetic field in the degaussing machine, all magnetic data that has been stored on the device is erased or even neutralized in some cases. Degaussing is one of the few guaranteed ways to ensure your data has been truly deleted and cannot be accessed, uploaded, read, or copied in any way. Using a degausser will assure you that your private information cannot be used against you.

hard disk degaussing machine

When Should You Degauss A Hard Drive?

You should degauss your hard drive if you:

Plan on selling your computer and want to erase your personal files and information.

Are going to donate a computer, the hard drive needs to be erased first. if you are having it recycled the company can destroy the data for you.

Are experiencing issues with your computer where it is malfunctioning to the point you can barely use it.

Have contracted a virus on your computer by opening a suspicious email or visiting a suspicious website.

What Length of Time is Required to Degauss a Drive?

It takes a very short time to destroy data using a hard drive degausser: usually about one-tenth of a second for each hard drive.

What Is the Difference Between Wiping, Shredding, and Degaussing A Device?

All electronics have an expiration date, including laptops, cameras, phones, and other electronic devices. Once these devices reach their prime, by law, they can’t be disposed of in the garbage. Your electronic devices possess personal information you may not want someone else to get their hands on. These are the most popular methods of erasing data.

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