Hard Drive Degausser Software

When to use data erasure software or a degausser?

Data erasure is a topic hardly to be underestimated by companies when it comes to protecting proprietary or personal data of employees or customers from unauthorised access on behalf of third parties. Data, documents, records – everything that survives for a certain period and reaches the end of its useful life, must be securely erased at some time. But what kind of data erasure should be used with which storage medium? Are there any special factors that should be considered?

hard drive degausser software

What is the right way to erase?


There are some reliable and inexpensive ways to have data erased securely, and above all, irrevocably. If the data storage device is no longer to be used after erasure, there are two possible methods: either demagnetisation using a Degausser or mechanical destruction in a so-called shredder. Both solutions work well in case of defective equipment and when the hardware necessary to access the data no longer exists. However, those responsible have to understand clearly that afterwards the media become absolutely unusable.

Secure erasure using software

Another option, which is recommended especially for the increasingly widespread SSD hard drives, is erasure using software. In this case, a data medium is repeatedly overwritten in a random manner with ones and zeros so that not even professional data recovery specialists are able to do anything about it after erasure has been completed. The advantage of this is that the drives can still be used afterwards, because only the existing information is destroyed. In the case of an SSD hard drive, for example, this means that after using a data erasure software solution on it, it can be simply formatted again and put back into operation.

No matter what method of data erasure is finally used, it should always be part of a consistent process and take into account some basic points. A rule for the secure disposal of old devices should be put in place and – this is the actual core issue – also be respected. It should also be clearly specified who is responsible for the actual data erasure and who for checking it. Because from the perspective of compliance, these tasks should be the responsibility of different people. And finally, companies should never forget that data erasure is not a bothersome imposition but something crucial for the welfare of the company.

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