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Hard Drive Degausser & Tape Eraser By Electronic High Voltage

In today’s world to survive it is very crucial to have a backup plan. This is why many companies now have a data backup plan. Along with backing up data, it is also necessary to keep your hard drive secure. The best way to do this is to degauss your hard drive and use a tape eraser.

With the increased use of digital storage, it is now more important than ever to protect sensitive data. To do this, it is necessary to securely erase all data from a hard drive before disposing of it. Erasing files does not enough because deleted files can be easily recovered and restoring them is simple. To safely and securely erase a hard drive degaussing and tape eraser by electronic high voltage should be used.

Hard Drive Degaussers & Tape Erasers by electronic high voltage. These devices can be used to erase hard drives and tapes, as well as other magnetic media such as floppies and cassettes. Magnetic media stored on these devices may contain sensitive data that may not be desirable to share with others, and could potentially lead to identity theft or other illegal activities.

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